Saturday, October 24, 2009

Helvetica Review

I found this film enlightened me greatly on the nature of graphic design. Firstly, the film is understood to be a love letter to the creation/creators of the Helvetica font. It would be a natural response to assume a film based on the creation of one (deceptively) simple font would be kind of tedious and of interest only to completely anal (i.e. most) graphic design enthusiasts. This is not the case. Though we are students of design, i would argue that the film would be suitable to anyone that loves creativity in it's raw form. The enthusiasm of the designers interviewed, particularly Carter and Hoefler is infectious and highlights the drive and precision at the top of the industry. It was important also to include dissenting voices such as Carson, who never liked it, and others who feel that Helvetica has become homogenised and we have been numbed to it's innovative brilliance by the ubiquitousness of the font in modern advertising and design.

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